This website is intended for informational purposes and should not be construed as a solicitation for investment in any of Georgian’s portfolios. Currently, Georgian’s portfolios are open to Accredited investors only (as interpreted by Provincial Authorities, generally meaning those with either a personal income of $200,000, household income of $300,000, financial assets of $1,000,000 or total assets of $5,000,000). It is important to note that past performance should not be taken as an indicator of future performance. All stated Georgian’s portfolio returns are net of fees. Georgian’s portfolios should be purchased only by investors with a medium-to-high risk tolerance who are seeking long-term returns. Please read the Offering Memorandum(s) before making any investment decisions. Prospective investors should inform themselves as to the legal requirements for the purchase of shares.
“I am an Accredited Investor with a medium-to-high risk tolerance who is seeking long-term returns”